I just put a space or two in front of the name.  It seems simpler to
me.  I'd use numbers in front if they have special significance.  So I'd
have Winston's folder like this to get them where I want them (plus a
few thrown in for example):
In Tray
Out Tray
   Needs Action
  Follow Up

With the font being proportional rather than equal width, the spaces
don't indent so visibly as I am seeing them do in this message.
And then I also use color to let my eye find key folders easily.


>My more frequently used folders start with numbers. This puts them at
>the top of the folders list and makes it easy to group folders together.
>I use decimal numbers as PowerMail has a problem with integers (1, 10,
>100, come before anything which starts with 2, anything starting with 2
>before anything starting with 3, etc.)
>For example, the folders immediately after In Tray and Out Tray look
>like this:
>    In Tray
>    Out Tray
>    0.11 Needs Action
>    0.11.1 Follow Up
>    0.11.2 Calendared
>    0.12 Orders
>    0.13 Travel
>I have also used the variation of starting a folder name with "A". I
>suspect there is also a hierarchy for characters like underscore, as EG
>Good luck.
>- Winston
>Cotty wrote:
>>>>2) Speaking of "In Tray," is it possible to rearrange the folders in the
>>>>mailbox window so that I can put my e-mail account "InBox" at the top of
>>>>that window?  That would be preferable if nothing is going to show up in
>>>>"In Tray."
>>>Don't know but good question.  They seem to be fixed in alphabetical order.
>>The folders are organized alphabetically, after the In and Out Trays. To
>>put a folder next, type an underscore before the name even if it's not
>>alphabetically due there.
>>In Tray
>>Out Tray
>>American Nonesense
>>British Buffoonery
>>Canadian Cantankerousness
>>...etc  ;-)
>>  Cotty
>>||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
>>||=====|    http://www.cottysnaps.com

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