
>Jefferis Peterson wrote:
>>Clicking URL links in emails does not always work. It is a known issue,
>>but when and why it works and why it doesn't is a mystery.
>In PM it works always, as long as the URL is written in an absolutely
>correct way (sometimes there are spaces in between which may not be
>there or if a long URL contains a manually sedately line break).
>But the safest way to write an URL into a mail is to copy and paste it
>from the browser address-field and to put-it between < and > (while
>pasting-it, PM places the < and > itself):
>is much safer (for all mail programs!) then
>especially if the URL is a long one and broken by a line break in the mail.

Where I find it not working is mostly in viewing HTML emails that have
graphic links or text links.
>>You cannot save common search features like saving a display of unread
>>mail. There is a recent mail, but that does not display unread mail.
>(Don't understand this point.)

Entourage has a Saved Search feature at the bottom of the folders column
and in it are default views like "unread mail" (or "Flagged", "received
today,"  or any personal search terms you save ) which, when you click
them, show a view similar to the In Tray, but with all unread mail, not
just recent mail.

>>You cannot create an HTML email.
>Thanks God! HTML mails are for me the most unwanted mail configuration.
>(But if you have to create-it, you'll find tools outside PM.)

Well, sometimes my work requires it, and sometimes I just want to send a
comic dragged and dropped.
>>Although I have Powermail set to delete emails from the server that I
>>have deleted from PM, it fails to delete them on next connection.
>>Sometimes it retrieves emails and then removes them from the server
>>instead of leaving them on the server as instructed. This is important
>>for me when I travel and need to have copies left on the server to be
>>downloaded when I get home.
>Maybe you have to change also your configuration on your mail server.
>Login there and check the settings.

Doesn't seem to have anything to do with my server settings. This works
perfectly for me in Entourage.

Jefferis Kent Peterson
Flash, Web Design and Marketing
111 S. Magnolia Dr.
Butler, PA 16001

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