On 25 Aug 2010, at 4:52pm, Tim lapin wrote:

> On 25/08/2010 3:21 AM, MB wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I'm not that fond of Mails interface nor the one mailbox
>> per account, but as I'm slowly moving to IMAP, PowerMail is slowly
>> loosing its value for me. I wish CTM would make IMAP full citizen, but I
>> have seen nothing that indicates this could be on the horizon

> Sounds *exactly* like my experience.
> I too am moving towards IMAP, be it gmail or the MS Exchange version. It is 
> not so much a choice as a realization that to do what I need to do with 
> e-mail requires the migration from POP to IMAP.
> Yes, the interface in Mail is decidedly messier and busier than that of 
> PowerMail.  I have always liked PM's clean look and might, therefore, go back 
> to it full time *IF* IMAP was given equal consideration as POP.

I think there are a lot of us out there! I moved over to Mail about 5 months 
ago, mainly because of the IMAP issue, but I have similar feelings about Mail's 
UI, and still keep an eye on this list, hoping for some good news on the 
upgrade front.


PowerMail 6.0.3 (build 4609) | OS X 10.6.4 | MacBook Pro/2.4GHz | 4 GB RAM      

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