On Thu, Aug 26, 2010, Tim Hodgson <thn...@pobox.com> wrote:

>On 25 Aug 2010, at 4:52pm, Tim lapin wrote:
>> On 25/08/2010 3:21 AM, MB wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, I'm not that fond of Mails interface nor the one mailbox
>>> per account, but as I'm slowly moving to IMAP, PowerMail is slowly
>>> loosing its value for me. I wish CTM would make IMAP full citizen, but I
>>> have seen nothing that indicates this could be on the horizon
>> Sounds *exactly* like my experience.
>> I too am moving towards IMAP, be it gmail or the MS Exchange version.
>It is not so much a choice as a realization that to do what I need to do
>with e-mail requires the migration from POP to IMAP.
>> Yes, the interface in Mail is decidedly messier and busier than that
>of PowerMail.  I have always liked PM's clean look and might, therefore,
>go back to it full time *IF* IMAP was given equal consideration as POP.
>I think there are a lot of us out there! I moved over to Mail about 5
>months ago, mainly because of the IMAP issue, but I have similar
>feelings about Mail's UI, and still keep an eye on this list, hoping for
>some good news on the upgrade front.

A word of caution for you IMAPers out there in the U.S.

Remember that email on servers is NOT in your house and Fourth Amendment
rules do not apply. Data on the server is owned by the service provider,
not by you.

Email that is (a) unread and, (2) less than six months old has some
protection, although the Government tried recently to remove it. Email
that has been read or is older than six months can be had with a Court
order if it's relevant to something. the "something" doesn't have to be
something you did, and the threshold is not "probable cause".

In one recent example, lawyers for an insurance company subpoenaed, and
received, the full Facebook details on a person's spouse, even though
she was not a party to the lawsuit. They felt it was "relevant" and the
Judge approved it.

So, watch out out there.


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