mt (11/7/13, 13:54) said:

>1. How can I "Re-send" or "Send again" a message, in such a way that its
>Subject can be edited? (Any of you being familiar with messages held in
>a moderation queue by Mailman would recognise a typical scenario where
>this is required)

Display the message and edit the subject. PowerMail will ask if you want to 
duplicate the message.

>2. In the Mail Filters window, is there a way to specify "contains word"
>as a condition? In other words, given that the drop down menu does not
>include this option, are there any special delimiters I can use to
>specify a "word-type" string?

Select "Body" and choose "Includes one of the words" or "includes at least one 
of the words" or "includes the exact phrase"

>3. Can the database be any size, or does it have to be under 2 GB?

It has to be under 2 GB unfortunately. When you get near to that limit, 
PowerMail will warn you and you can choose "Compact Database" from the File 
menu. This will shrink the database to a more compact format, but you will have 
to keep choosing this option on a regular basis. If you ignore PowerMail's 
warning, you could end up corrupting your database and losing your mail. 
Eventually you will have to delete some emails to avoid going over the limit. I 
tend to free up space periodically by exporting email-list emails into Apple 

I have 250,000 emails in PowerMail, dating back over 10 years. If you have 
fewer emails than this, the 2 GB limit might be less of an issue. Attachments 
don't count towards the limit.

The monolithic database format is bad for backup programs. Either the entire 
database will be backed up every time (which wastes space) or the backup 
program (e.g. Time Machine) will have to compare it with previous backups in 
order to save changes (which slows down the backup process).

What I personally wish is that PowerMail would save separate mail folders into 
separate databases. But I don't think CTM has any interest in doing this. My 
impression is that PowerMail is in maintenance mode - it gets bug fixes and 
occasional minor features, but it's not going to gain any major features in 

I use Apple Mail on my home machine, and I would be fairly happy with that if 
it was less buggy (sometimes it loses emails that it has sent or fails to 
delete auto-saved drafts). PowerMail has faster searching and better filtering. 
Apple Mail has smart folders, better support for HTML emails, inline display of 
image attachments, and threading.


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