>There is another option, which I've never found very useful. You can
>have separate databases and switch between them using "Switch User
>Environment" (from the Database submenu in the File menu). You can
>create a new database whenever your existing database gets too large,
>but that means you'll have to switch between databases whenever you want
>to search through your emails, and that's a fairly cumbersome process -
>you have to select the new database via a file dialog.

Hi Jeremy,
I use the technique of switching databases, and the good news is that you can 
find messages via spotlight just fine.

The bad news is that if you double click them, PowerMail opens them in the old 

If the developers are listening I would want to see:

The name of the current open database somewhere in plain view at all times

The institution of a recent database menu item that would allow you to quickly 
select databases without having to navigate the file system.

Please add such features to the next release ASAP.

Thanks, and so long for now, TOM

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