That article isn't really describing a problem.  What it says is that  
the CPU can't read efficiently from the RSX local memory (The RSX is  
the graphics chip).  Any GIMPS related project wouldn't need the RSX  
at all.  The correct way to get data out of RSX local memory is to  
have the RSX write it to main memory (10GB/s) and have the CPU get it  
from there.

I think the Cell would be very very fast for GIMPS.


On Sep 24, 2006, at 3:05 PM, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 24, 2006 at 11:53:52PM +0200, Jeroen van der Burg wrote:
>> Those 8 cores have an own block of memory, it's now very big, IIRC  
>> it's
>> 256kB or 512kB or so, but that memory has a speed the same of the  
>> cpu, so no
>> need for cache.
> Theoretically this should be _great_ for something like GIMPS --  
> especially
> the insanely fast SRAM on each of the SPEs would be great for the  
> smaller FFT
> units. (The larger ones would probably be bandwidth limited again,  
> though.)
> Now, here's the _big_ problem: According to rumor, the SRAM isn't  
> really fast
> at all, at least on the PS3; look at
> ...
> /* Steinar */
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