You are so right.

I had old fftw lib sitting in /usr/local/lib

to enable building of the shared library I have to also add --enable-shared ie

cd fftw-source
configure --enable-cell --enable-shared
make install

Funny enough patched MacLucasFFTW works slower on QS20 (than PS3) and
during the execution it uses only 8 SPUs form 16 available ! ?

I tried using function fftw_cell_set_nspe(16) but still fftw runs on
maximum 8 spes.

Is it fftw limitation ?
any ideas ?

I use CellSDK 3.1, gcc 4.3.0, kernel 2.6.20 hmm maybe the old kernel
sucks , I also noticed ls /spu shows dirs but spu-top is silent ie.
doesn't show any spu tasks.

Has anyone got a working newer kernel for QS20 ? I tried many new
versions and recompiling myself but it wont boot :(
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