When you write:
"I asked for a CFFI binding because I found a number of stabs at something 
similar in CL, but none looked promising for use in the short term."
Which libraries did you try and what was lacking?  Did you provide any input or 
raise any issues to the authors and maintainers?  Is it only linear algebra you 
want to do?

    On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 04:11:13 AM GMT+8, Robert Goldman 
<> wrote:  
 Hi, Daniel --

I was looking for a system that I could use to do some numerical computations I 
now do in Python in CL instead.  That involves a relatively large function 
library (or perhaps more accurately, the developers of numpy have a better idea 
what functions are likely to be needed than do I), and the ability to do 
vectorized operations.

I asked for a CFFI binding because I found a number of stabs at something 
similar in CL, but none looked promising for use in the short term.

I'm not sure what you mean by "a custom kernel," I'm afraid.

Schedule was "as soon as possible," in the sense of "if it's there I will start 
using it right away."

I guess the trait valuation is that I would like something that I could use 
instead of numpy, so quite portable (although if it only worked in SBCL, that 
would be fine), implementation effort: essentially none (I want to use a 
capable linear algebra library, not write one).


On 11 Apr 2023, at 23:18, Daniel Herring wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> The answer to your original question appears to be no, so the conversation 
> turned to brainstorming solutions.  However your question did not provide a 
> clear scope and purpose or measure of fitness for such a development.
> Answers to the following questions may help focus this conversation.
> Why did you ask for the CFFI binding?
> Do you want access to a bigger function library, better numeric performance, 
> or something else?
> Why would you prefer CFFI bindings to numpy over CFFI bindings to a custom 
> kernel?
> What schedule are you hoping for?
> How would you value traits such as portability, performance, implementation 
> effort, user effort, and schedule?
> -- Daniel


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