Hi Robert,

To add to the list of library propositions for numpy in Lisp, we can
probably also have a look at the language Hylang that is a Lisp dialect
that's embedded in Python.


* Robert Goldman
| Hi, Daniel --
| I was looking for a system that I could use to do some numerical
| computations I now do in Python in CL instead.  That involves a
| relatively large function library (or perhaps more accurately, the
| developers of numpy have a better idea what functions are likely to be
| needed than do I), and the ability to do vectorized operations.
| I asked for a CFFI binding because I found a number of stabs at something 
similar in CL, but none looked promising for use in the short term.
| I'm not sure what you mean by "a custom kernel," I'm afraid.
| Schedule was "as soon as possible," in the sense of "if it's there I will 
start using it right away."
| I guess the trait valuation is that I would like something that I
| could use instead of numpy, so quite portable (although if it only
| worked in SBCL, that would be fine), implementation effort:
| essentially none (I want to use a capable linear algebra library, not
| write one).
| Best,
| R

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