On 7/11/06, Mark Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know it's a heinous thought, probably particularly in this group,
but what's a good non-Windoze alternative to VFP?


I'm a fan of LAMP for web solutions. I've been delivering PHP apps
running against MySQL for the past two years, and have had some good
successes there. I'd like to also work with PostgreSQL as it is a
"free-er" database and had competitive features. I also work with
Python and Perl, but mostly for lightweight scripting at this point; I
hope to expand my knowledge of them, but there's only a few tricks
this old dog can learn at one time.

For rich-client solutions, I think dabo is the place to be. The Python
language is approachable, fairly easy to use, there are lots of
supporting materials online and a lot of pre-built libraries of
functions to tap.

There are also some great packaged solutions out there that can bring
a lot of value to your clients. I've been really impressed with some
of the "content management systems" out there. A few  years ago, a CMS
was a proprietary way to tie your web site up to one solution. Now,
the CMSes have matured to being much more similar to application
frameworks with tremendous built in features like member management,
forums, wikis, and so forth. Xaraya is a current favorite.

Other packaged software making waves includes SugarCRM (customer
relationship management in LAMP), Asterisk for free PBX/VOIP
functionality, and many many more.

My recommendation is to shop around. Attend local LUG meetings, FOSS
meetings or PHP UG meetings, whatever you can find locally, join
mailing lists like Pro* and figure out what particular applications
you'd like to be developing and supporting. There are thousands of
apps, frameworks and toolkits out there (www.sourceforge.net and
www.freshmeat.net), so do your homework, refine your requirements and
diversify your toolbox with some familiarity with several solutions.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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