I've probably told this story before, but I never
forget being in San Francisco touring around looking
for Haight-Ashbury.  I'm walking around with my
girlfriend and a fairly-expensive Nikon camera around
my neck.  A man in a dress came up to us with a black
eye and asked whether he could take our picture for us
using my camera for 5 dollars.  

Now maybe he couldn't run real fast in high heels, but
I wasn't about to give him my camera to take a picture
of us under the crossroads sign of Haight and Ashbury.

That was when the insanity of California hit me right
between the eyes, that they tolerated this crap.  A
man in a dress was OK.  What the f*ck kind of
community is that?  

So I blackened his other eye. LMAO.

--- David Crooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday, September 11, 2006 2:40 PM Michael
> Madigan wrote:
> <snipped>
> >Oregon, Washington and California are liberal
> sewers, as you've no
> doubt know first hand.  For some 
> >reason the crazies gravitated there.
> <snipped>
> It is the LEFT coast! 8-)
> David L. Crooks
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