On Monday, September 11, 2006 3:24 PM Ed Leafe wrote:

>       Correction: the war was declared over by President Bush in May
>We are now an occupying army in a defeated country.

Not according to one of my favorite sites, http://www.dubyaspeak.com:

WILLIAMS: Do you have any moments of doubt that we fought the wrong war,
that there's something wrong with the perception of America overseas? 
DUBYA: Well, those are two different questions. Did we fight the wrong
war, and the absorally -- I have no doubt. The war came to our shores,
remember that. We were -- we, we had a foreign policy that basically
said let's hope calm works. And we were attacked. 
WILLIAMS: But those weren't Iraqis. 
DUBYA: No, no -- they weren't -- they, they weren't, uhh -- no, I agree
they weren't Iraqis, nor did I ever say that Iraq ordered that attack,
but they're a part of, Iraq is part of the struggle against the
-- "I have no doubt" gives the unintended impression that Dubya agrees
with war critics, but his ill-worded defense moments later reasserts his
position. Interview with Brian Williams (NBC). New Orleans, Louisiana,
Aug. 29, 2006

And there's some good people in our country who believe we should cut
and run [from Iraq]. They're not bad people when they say that. They're
decent people. I just happen to believe they're wrong. And they're wrong
for this reason. This would be a defeat for the United States in a key
battleground in the global war on terror. It would create a -- leaving
before we complete our mission would create a terrorist state in the
heart of the Middle East, a country with huge oil reserves that the
terrorist network would be willing to use to extract economic pain from
those of us who believe in freedom. If we were to leave before the
mission is complete, it would hurt U.S. credibility. Who would want to
stand with the United States of America if we didn't complete the
mission, and a mission that can be completed and will be completed? If
we cut and run, if we don't complete the mission, what would that say to
those brave men and women who have volunteered to wear the uniform of
the United States of America? If we leave before the mission is
complete, if we withdraw, the enemy will follow us home. 
-- Dubya drops oil back into the mix with a new spin on it, but what is
even more interesting is that he declares the mission in Iraq
incomplete. Perhaps declaring "Mission Accomplished" in May 2003 was
premature after all... Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Aug. 15, 2006
David L. Crooks

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