On Monday, September 12, 2011 9:56 PM, "Allen"
<pro...@gatwicksoftware.com> wrote:

I'm risking being called a shill for Servoy here, which I'm totally not,
but I had some replies to your points. I'm only evaluating it as well.

> I am wondering why you want an alternative to VFP. It's not dead yet

2015, yes. That might be not very far away at all depending on the size
of application you have to re-engineer in a replacement technology. 

> despite
> the marketing , lies I think " of Servoy. 
I don't think they ever claimed that you can magically convert your VFP
projects with a mouse click or anything. 

> Anyway what makes Servoy any better than VFP. It's still an unknown as
> far
> as clients are concerned.

Well, it's better for creating cross-platform and cloud-based
applications, probably. People might not have heard of Servoy but
they've heard of Javascript, Java, Apache, Hibernate and all the other
parts that make it up though.

> Also Ken is not on the team. He is just a marketing gimmick.
> Don't get me wrong, I have not tried it and due to the costs am unlikely
> to.
> So I don't know what it is like for a programmer. Is it better than VFP
> or
> just getting caught up with the marketing.

Well, 'better than' is all subjective, isn't it? Is COBOL better than
VFP ? There's a hell of a lot of COBOL out there. It's picking the right
tools for the job. If I was starting out to write a multiuser
application, I was only worried about Windows, I only wanted it to run
on LANs, and I wanted all those third-party native controls available to
me, then I absolutely wouldn't use Servoy. For creating what are
effectively browser-based applications using proven OSS technology and
so on I might pick Servoy, or RealBasic or something else.
  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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