On Monday, September 12, 2011 10:00 AM, "Kurt Wendt"
<kurtwe...@waitex.com> wrote:

> So - how do YOU Find Servoy? You say you seem to like it. Is it a direct
> replacement for FoxPro? Is it basically FoxPro coding? Or - is it
> completely different than FoxPro???

What is it first of all? Well, take a look at this:

Essentially it's pre-rolled development stack using the popular
open-source components that you see above, and a customised version of
Eclipse as the IDE.

You code in Javascript which is compiled to server-side Java. Users
either run a 'smart client' which gives a rich, cross-platform UI (but
not using native controls) using Java WebStart, or just a normal
browser, enabling a less rich UI. The same forms and code will (largely)
work in both types of client with some restrictions on the browser

Applications are deployed to an Application Server which publishes them.

As to the 'next FoxPro' claims ... what they have done is try to make it
conceptually very familiar to VFP people in a lot of ways. So it's very
form-centric, very oriented towards wasy drag & drop design, all the
underlying stack is hidden so you can get one with solving business
problems, and so on. It's also very easy to work with VFP data directly
- it's very database-agnostic as long as there is a JDBC driver for your
data sources. 

It's Open Source now so pretty easy to evaluate - the stumbling block
remains the pricing of the Application Server component. They're pushing
the multi-tenant cloud model of deployment in a lot of ways. 
  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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