El Sábado 04 Noviembre 2006 00:43, Virgil Bierschwale escribió:
> And you base your understanding of what is happening in iraq from the
> actual people serving over there or perhaps what you hear from the media ?

Well you see. He uses metaphors, so I gues I can feel empathy. I have 
obviously never served there (have you?), and If I had heard from it from 
people there then it would be hearsay.
But I endured 7 years of military dictatorship, 60,000 missing people, my 
wife's grandmom kidnapped (by the state forces), raped, tortured 
(electricity, submarine, tweezers, etc). And then some. The funny thing is 
this coup d'etat (as many others all through South America) was backed, 
organized and financed by USA. So here's a tough question for you. Who do you 
think I might percieve as the thief/bully of the metaphors that have been 
going arround?
BTW, never have been a communist, I don't like them.

> Virgil Bierschwale
> Armstrong and Skipper Real Estate
> (830) 329-6774 Cell
> (830) 864-4726 Home
> (830) 864-4799 Fax
> http://www.bierschwalesolutions.com
> http://www.bierschwale.com
> http://www.virgilslist.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ricardo Aráoz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <profox@leafe.com>
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 8:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [OT] Crunch time!
> El Viernes 03 Noviembre 2006 22:04, Virgil Bierschwale escribió:
> > Interesting concept..
> > A thief breaks into your house and steals your possessions and kills your
> > family.
> Oh, I see! A metaphor! Lets see.... You must be referring to this bush
> fellow
> going to the Iraqi's house, stealing their oil and killing their people by
> the thousands.
> But no, that's not possible. He was actually 'defending' himself. It's very
> easy to see how Iraq was such a great threat to a small country like the
> USA,
> and if you consider they are so close to each other, the danger was clear
> and
> imminent.
> Besides, one must judge him by his results, all's well that ends well. He
> invaded and now the world is a safer place, terrorism has decreased, the
> Iraqi's are safer and prospering, and the USA has been able to reduce it's
> military budget due to the fact that the world has become a peacefull place
> to live in......
> > A year later he realizes you did nothing to defend yourself, so he comes
> > back
> >
> > That doesnt sound right to me, but that is what I'm hearing.
> >
> > I don't believe in attacking anybody, nor do I feel that we should attack
> > anybody.
> > But I do believe in defense and the right to defend your family and yes,
> > I would blow anybody away that threatened them.
> >
> > Virgil Bierschwale
> > Armstrong and Skipper Real Estate
> > (830) 329-6774 Cell
> > (830) 864-4726 Home
> > (830) 864-4799 Fax
> > http://www.bierschwalesolutions.com
> > http://www.bierschwale.com
> > http://www.virgilslist.com
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Ricardo Aráoz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <profox@leafe.com>
> > Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 6:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: [OT] Crunch time!
> >
> > El Viernes 03 Noviembre 2006 20:34, Virgil Bierschwale escribió:
> > > Do you honestly believe that because you throw in the towel, that the
> > > muslim extremists will stop what they are doing ?
> >
> > Of course not! You should keep invading their countries and killing their
> > children. Then, they will surely be so gratefull they'll certainly stop.
> >
> > > Virgil Bierschwale
> > > Armstrong and Skipper Real Estate
> > > (830) 329-6774 Cell
> > > (830) 864-4726 Home
> > > (830) 864-4799 Fax
> > > http://www.bierschwalesolutions.com
> > > http://www.bierschwale.com
> > > http://www.virgilslist.com
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Ed Leafe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: "ProFox Mailing List" <profox@leafe.com>
> > > Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 5:01 PM
> > > Subject: [OT] Crunch time!
> > >
> > > > As the critical mid-term elections approach, it's time for everyone
> > > > concerned with reversing this march toward endless war and imperial
> > > > executive power to get involved. There are two get-out-the-vote
> > > > drives
> > > > being coordinated by MoveOn.org as we head into this last  weekend.
> > > >
> > > > The first is an effort to set up parties for people to get together
> > > > and make these important calls in a group setting. It's called 'Rock
> > > > the House (and Senate) Phone Party', and you can look for a party
> > > > near
> > > > you at:
> > > >
> > > > <http://pol.moveon.org/event/events/index.html?action_id=62>
> > > >
> > > > If there isn't a party near you at a convenient time, you can also
> > > > contribute by making these calls yourself, using their 'Call For
> > > > Change'. The URL is:
> > > >
> > > > <http://pol.moveon.org/phone/volunteer/c4c.html>
> > > >
> > > > There are several close races in my area, and in between upgrading
> > > > the
> > > > server this weekend, I'll be making as many calls as possible. If 
> > > > you can contribute in your area, that would go a long way to finally
> > > > ending the lunacy of the last 6 years.
> > > >
> > > > -- Ed Leafe
> > > > -- http://leafe.com
> > > > -- http://dabodev.com
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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