On Apr 21, 2014, at 7:53 AM, Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com> wrote:

> It's time for my semi-annual request to the ProFox community to show your 
> appreciation for this list by contributing to a charitable cause. On 
> Saturday, May 10 I will be participating in the Tour de Cure, a bicycle ride 
> to help raise money and awareness for diabetes research. I'll be doing a 
> 65-mile ride (course:http://tw.gs/Tzv8hX).

Well, I did the ride on Saturday, and to be honest, I felt great afterwards! 
Yeah, I was tired, but after a shower and a little rest, I was good as new.

Here is my progress, via the RunKeeper app: 

RunKeeper only says I rode 57 miles, but it lies. ;-)  It seemed to shut off 
between miles 47 and 55; if you follow the course on there you'll see a big gap 
(marked here: http://leafe.com/tmp/missing_route.png). I have a support email 
in to RunKeeper to explain why it dropped that part of the route, but rest 
assured: I did the whole course!

I'd like to thank the many, many ProFoxers who contributed to this cause. You 
guys and gals are awesome! Thanks for your support!

-- Ed Leafe

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