mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com wrote:
mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com wrote:
There's definitely a lot wrong with it starting with the UI.

I never understood them changing the look to a FLAT akin to Windows 3.1 graphics/UI. Absolutely outsourced that decision to someone who'd just fallen in love with Winblows 3.1 I guess. lol

EVERY industry has cycles. Cars for example, streamlined, then boxy,
then streamlined again. Clothing, same cycles. Furniture, ditto. When
you can't come up with something new, go "classic" and "retro" and all
that other designy-marketing foo-froo.

Yeah but what they did wreaks of a lack of innovation and/or failure of great proportions. :-)

Agreed, especially when MSoft was supposed to be the leader of all things wonderful and new. And in other industries, when the "new" doesn't strike a chord and generate sales, it becomes last-year's design quickly (I'm smelling VISTA here...)

I think the Windows App store thing is an even bigger boondoggle than Win8's UI, though. It seems that MSoft is now trying to impose the Apple-way of controlling "stuff" (the computing environment) when a big attraction to the IBM/MSoft computing world has always been "alternate solutions" (like Wordperfect, Harvard Graphics, Lotus 123 had the potential to be.) I've successfully avoided the LIVE account requirement so far...not sure that will always be the case.


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