On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Rafael Copquin <rcopq...@fibertel.com.ar>

> There is a supermarket here that sells via internet. Users choose the
> merchandise from pictures and their descriptions and slowly create a
> purchase request. If for some reason the connection is lost, or they leave
> the computer for a while, the system shuts down. But you can log in again
> and recover your order as you left it originally. Then when you're finished
> you pay and they send you the goods.
> I guess this is similar to what you describe here. It probably is a lot of
> custom work as you say and this one is relatively easy since it only
> involves one routine: making a purchase order to the supermarket. In an
> accounting system one would have to record the user's input from many
> screens, keep it in temporary tables and then restore it from  there until
> the save button is pushed.
> Doable, but costly in terms of programming work.
> ----------
That is a shopping cart an "appliance" that is designed to keep up with

Brief statements about your app don't seem to fit that need, do they?
Consider it a black box that accepts transactions from your app to add,
edit or remove items in this "purchase" session.

When there is a tie up in resources this doesn't help that need.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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