On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Kurt Wendt <kurt_we...@globetax.com> wrote:
> So - Kevin - how do I go back to "Classic Shell" as you suggested. Is it just 
> a setting - or do I need to install something. I did a Google Search - and 
> there seems to be a bunch of Links for downloading some kind of Classic 
> Shell. But, on the web - I tend to be wary of DL's - unless its from a Known 
> source. Heck, even CNet/Download.com can give you sucky DL's - like SW you 
> don't want that's Attached to SW you DO want!

I'm not Kevin, nor do I play him on YouTube (the bees!)

But, here's the one I use:


and don't download anything from untrustworthy sites! And there are no
trustworthy sites.

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