Will you post a confirmation when you Will show a demo at the next aToutFox
conference here? Or should I monitor aToutFrance?

Op wo 20 mrt. 2019 om 14:16 schreef Johan Nel <>

> Hi Kurt,
> Sorry for not responding earlier. But here goes.  I am a X# user.  Yes
> be careful of them using the interview as cheap "consultation"...
> On 2019/03/20 07:45, Kurt at VR-FX wrote:
> > So as some of you may already know, I had a first interview for a
> > programmer job at UCLA. The second interview is coming up.
> > They did not bring up things like Lianja, XoJo, or X# the open source
> > X-base language.
> > There was also some recent discussion on X# which looked like a
> > potentially great option. But, I heard that via the last posting - the
> > FoxPro version of the code wasn't really ready yet!
> FoxPro experts are already working behind the scene in a project I
> initiated after identifying Fox developers I believe is suitable to
> demystify the VFP IDE repo and reproduce it in a X# readable text
> format.  From this format we busy to recreate it with a VFPTransporter,
> similar to the VOTransporter that was created to move Visual Objects
> code to X#, into a Visual Studio solution and XIDE repo.  We think it
> might be possible to convert the Fox Screen designer straight into a
> WinForm, Menu to MenuStrip, etc. Fox command translations will be a
> combination of the X# DevTeam adding support for these unrecognized
> commands in X#, #commands in a (VFP.xh) for the X# pre-proccessor to
> translate, or hard code Translaters in the Transporter for difficult
> pieces of VFP code. We quite excited, VFP users assisting and I, as part
> of this community initiative joint venture between VFP and X#, probably
> a first in the XBase world.  We hope to have something ready that can be
> demonstrated at the French Fox conference atoutfox in May and progress
> at Fox conferences later in the year. If we achieve the goal, you
> obviously need to learn the .NET way of doing stuff and get an
> understanding of the X# syntax to open up the world of .NET consumption,
> it is huge.  Any code written in a .NET language you can use as if
> written in X#.  Have a class in a c#/VB.NET assembly, no sweat just add
> a reference and use it.  Want to add new features to this class just
> create a new class inheriting from the c# class. Done, use it in your code.
> Watch this space!
> Johan Nel
> Friend of X# (FOX) member.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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