> I look forward to you helping me make up my mind if this is really wrong, or 
> just another way
> companies can market. Or is this another opinion you are forming because you 
> really dislike
> Microsoft and by default it is evil?

If someone doesn't disclose front and center that, by the way, the nice 
things they said about 'x' have nothing to do with the fact that they 
not only got a free copy of 'x', but also a very expensive copy of 'y' 
from the folks who make 'x', then, yes, it's wrong. Period.

MSFT certainly isn't alone in doing this. Look at the hub-bub about 
Congress taking paid 'fact-finding' trips to places like... oh... 
Tahiti, Hawaii, Switzerland... paid for by folks who will be materially 
affected by legislature that said Congressperson is working on. 'nuf said.

I agree with one of the authors who said that regardless of specific 
strings attached, the receiver of such goodies can't but be drawn into a 
social contract with MSFT. It _is_ more difficult to say something 
negative, or to not say something positive, about Vista in this 
situation. Just human nature.

There's another piece here... MSFT has long intimidated folks with the 
threat of being excluded if you don't play by their rules. I have a 
long, involved history in this, spanning a decade and a half, from both 
sides of the game. Again, they're not alone in this; a couple of rather 
large car companies come to mind. <s>

It is not necessary to do this; Wal-Mart prohibits their purchasing 
agents from accepting as much as _a cup of coffee_ from a vendor. Check 
out the recent story behind their switch of ad agencies and how a couple 
of high-level marketing folks just got fired.

I see MSFT's move not as an innovative marketing move (hell, bribing 
folks under or over the table has been around for as long the world's 
oldest profession). I see it as desperation in trying to put a positive 
spin on a product disaster.

That was my point - they're so desperate for positive ink about Vista 
that they're starting to bribe folks to say something nice about it. It 
used to be that YOU had to pay THEM in order to be admitted to the 
'inner circle'.

They COULD be a lot classier, but in their fervent scramble to take the 
last crumbs on the table for themselves, they again show themselves to 
be as disgusting an organization as Standard Oil was a century ago, or 
the various railroads 150 years ago.

How a company made up of generally excellent people coalesces into an 
organization so vile never ceases to amaze me.


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