>>If we kept the PC exactly as it was sold to you then maybe they would be able 
>>to offer a longer
warranty, but we don't so they can't.<<

I am not referring to a warranty Adam. The operating system manufacturers do 
not support the other
software you load on your machine today. All they support is the core OS and 
the applets that come
with it. I am talking about security patches and holding all operating system 
manufacturers to a
standard that they fix the discovered (and hopefully the undiscovered) holes 
for a longer period of
time for the safety of their customers.

You can trick out your car as much as you want. If the gas tank has an 
engineering flaw that causes
the car to blow up under certain circumstances the manufacturer places a recall 
and it gets fixed.
It has nothing to do with the fact you put in a new accelerator pedal. If you 
replaced the gas tank
with your own they really can't fix it. 

White Light Computing, Inc.

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