On Feb 6, 2007, at 4:02 PM, john harvey wrote:

> Their main job was anything but being military. That was a  
> secondary or even
> tertiary duty. They weren't just there to fight foreign armies, but  
> to be
> ready to fight tyranny, from within or without.

        Everything from that period that I've read drew a distinct line  
between militias and standing armies. Militias were not used for wars  
against other countries; they were used for domestic problems.

> I believe an armed society
> is a polite society. Currently, we have armed thugs, armed cops and  
> a few
> ordinary citizens. Get a gun or two or ten, learn to use them and  
> teach your
> kids!

        We have such an armed society to use as our model. Guns are  
plentiful in Iraq these days, and nearly everyone has one or can get  
one. Ah, yes, what a polite society! And if we ship even more weapons  
there, it will become an even more polite and genteel place!

-- Ed Leafe
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