> Their main job was anything but being military. That was a  
> secondary or even
> tertiary duty. They weren't just there to fight foreign armies, but  
> to be
> ready to fight tyranny, from within or without.

//      Everything from that period that I've read drew a distinct line  
//between militias and standing armies. Militias were not used for wars  
//against other countries; they were used for domestic problems.

We didn't have an army at that time, because we weren't a sovereign country.
We were under British rule and their army was here. Our militia was formed
to fight whatever it needed to fight. (Sounds like we're saying the same
thing as we circle the issue)<G>

> I believe an armed society
> is a polite society. Currently, we have armed thugs, armed cops and  
> a few
> ordinary citizens. Get a gun or two or ten, learn to use them and  
> teach your
> kids!

//      We have such an armed society to use as our model. Guns are  
//plentiful in Iraq these days, and nearly everyone has one or can get  
//one. Ah, yes, what a polite society! And if we ship even more weapons  
//there, it will become an even more polite and genteel place!

I said society, not an anarchy. Our crime problem in the US really stems
from a failure of the system to deal with deviant behavior. We don't modify
thugs behavior by turning up the heat, we embolden them by telling them it's
not their fault. It's mainly the fault of those people who work for a
living! I will never understand your side's desire to disarm the American
public. I been around guns and hunters all my life and never felt threatened
by any but the thugs with guns/knives/bats/etc. My kids can all shoot, they
know how to  clean and care for guns and they respect them. They've never
shot anyone, or to my knowledge, pointed a gun at anyone.


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