Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> The middle east has a long history of violence between rival tribal 
> fashions.  Back in the old days, before gunpowder was discovered, the 
> killing simple took other forms like:
> beheading
> target practice on captives with bow and arrows and spears
> disembowelment with swords
> drawn and quartered with horses
> stoning
> hanging
> torture to death
> poling
> Would you prefer any of these to being blow to piece with car bombs or 
> tortured and shot execution style by death squads.

I wouldn't know. Did you ask them??? I mean, you coming from the 'land
of the free' where everyone can have his saying (or is that only for use
 inside your borders?)

> Below is an article regarding a mother, who was bound to a wheel chair, 
> who helplessly watched as the family pit bull chewed here daughter's 
> arms off.  Luckily for the daughter, she was able to survive until 
> police arrived using her arm stubs to fend off the pit bull from getting 
> to her throat.  Perhaps if this family had owned a hand gun this tragedy 
> could have been prevented.  Sometimes minutes count and there just isn't 
> time to wait for police.

And my cousin once caught a cough.... so as of then I always wear a
cloth over my mouth and nose. And once a rain ruined my shoes so it's
rain boots every day, you never know.

> Here is another article where a man was attacked by a pit bull while out 
> on his morning walk, and a hand gun would have come in very handy; 
> although, this man managed to survive without the gun.  Many other 
> people do not survive attacks by large dogs.
> http://www.click2houston.com/news/10889479/detail.html
> You never know what is going to happen, and it's wise to be prepared to 
> protect oneself and the family against whatever threat might occur.  A 
> hand gun is especially useful when age begins to degrade our physical 
> capabilities to protect ourself and family.

That's why I always carry along my faithful portable atomic bomb. Any
dog attacks me and I'll blow us all up.

> My next door neighbor has a huge pit bull btw, as does my neighbor 
> directly across the street.
> Regards,
> LelandJ
> Ed Leafe wrote:
>> On Feb 6, 2007, at 4:26 PM, john harvey wrote:
>>> I said society, not an anarchy.
>>      But guns were the critical component of creating the desired  
>> behavior. Isn't the assumption that if everyone were to have a gun  
>> that civilized behavior would inevitably follow, since everyone must  
>> assume that everyone can defend themselves? Well, that's exactly the  
>> situation in Iraq, and it resembles the Wild West of the gold rush  
>> days. Wow, come to think of it, everyone there had guns, too, and  
>> there was an awful lot of crime and violence.
>> -- Ed Leafe
>> -- http://leafe.com
>> -- http://dabodev.com
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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