For what it's worth, you *can* make FireFox the default browser in Vista.

Back in the day, I bought my first Pentium computer (60 Mhz, with 32MB of
RAM and a 10GB hard drive --- I thought I'd never need to buy a new computer
again). It had Windows 95 preinstalled on it. After using it for two days, I
formatted the hard drive and installed Windows 3.1. Because it was better?
No. I went back to 3.11 because Windows 95 was too different for me. I knew
3.11, inside and out. Windows 95 slowed me down, so I went back to the OS I
knew better. It was also a bit sluggish. Windows 3.11 was blazingly fast on
the new Pentium.

Eventually I did make the move to Windows 95, and once I got used to it I
thought it was the best thing since sliced bread --- until Windows 98 came
out. Windows ME? Thank God I missed that train wreck. Windows 2000 was a bit
too different for me, but eventually I got used to it as well.

Windows XP was the most God-awful thing I'd ever seen the first time I tried
it, but it too has grown on me.

I installed Vista Business as my primary OS two weeks ago today. The Aero is
pretty. The best description I've seen is it's less 'cartoonish' than
Windows XP. I've got a decent machine, but it feels sluggish. I tried
unzipping a 10MB file, and the progress meter said it would take 29 minutes.
I canceled the extraction after 10 minutes. Copying files is remarkably slow
as well.

Vista, to me, is different. But it's not the radically different experience
that Win95 and WinXP were for me. But it is s-l-o-w. Dog-ass slow for a new
operating system on a relatively new laptop. It was definitely *not* ready
for prime time, and I do feel that early adopters are simply beta testing
the OS.

So, tonight I'll be redoing the whole thing, back to WinXP Pro as my primary
OS and running Vista in VPC2007. I do have a need to test apps on Vista,
because sooner or later one of my clients is going to upgrade/buy a new
computer, and I'd prefer to 'fix' my Vista-related issues now instead of
having the client report the issues to me.

I like the 'WOW' factor with some of the graphical changes, but they wear
thin rather quickly. Ultimately, my decision to stick with XP is simple: I
am more productive with XP/2000/98 than I can be with Vista. Maybe after a
service pack or two I'll be ready to try it again.

And don't even get me started on the whole DRM thing... :)

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