Women attorneys should have their penises cut off.

--- MB Software Solutions

> Chet Gardiner wrote:
> > "conspiracy against you perpetrated by right wing
> conservative emissaries"
> >
> > Don't look now, but that same bunch is
> perpetrating the same conspiracy 
> > against you...   :-)
> >   
> That group must include my wife's bitch attorney
> then, who calls me evil 
> and greedy for wanting a 50% fair share split of the
> house equity.  I'd 
> swear that b*tch is a card-carrying fembot.
> -- 
> Michael J. Babcock, MCP
> MB Software Solutions, LLC
> http://mbsoftwaresolutions.com
> http://fabmate.com
> "Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software
> solutions!"
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