>> Curious as to how many of you independents handle UAT (User Acceptance 
>> Testing), whereby you are
getting them to sign off on delivery of the goods (software) and their 
acceptance of said

The simple answer to your question is yes. It is part of my background at EDS 
and the engrained
System Life Cycle development methodology. I will say I don't do it for every 
project. Not every
part of a development methodology needs to be implemented for each and every 

The hard thing is not developing a document for the sign-off, the hard thing is 
to get the user to
sign something that says they did the testing and everything works as expected. 
The difficulty
normally centers around the users inability to know when the software is really 
working as expected,
and a fear the developer will evaporate as soon as the document is signed. It 
also depends on the
type of customer. I work for a lot of other developers and often they take the 
responsibility of the
documentation. Business owners, not so much so I have to do all the work.

In the perfect world you have written specifications and these specifications 
easily translate into
test cases for the test plan. The writing of the test plan is the killer part 
of this entire
process, mostly due to the inherit list of verbal change requests. This is all 
about discipline, but
even the most discipline developer misses the occasional change request. This 
is one of the reasons
why Test-Driven Development makes so much sense to many of us.

I also inform all my customers at some point (normally in the sales meeting) 
that software is never
done. It might have periods of dormant development, but changes are inevitable. 
Nature of business.
So as part of the UAT sign-off, the users need to know things might get 
discovered down the road
that are undocumented or broken behavior and these will get changed or fixed as 
part of the next
wave of development. It is a matter of prioritizing the next set of changes.

Things to search for on the Web: test plan, UAT process, UAT sign-off.

White Light Computing, Inc.


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