On Apr 18, 2008, at 5:00 PM, Ted Roche wrote:
>>  The open source option will, by definition, never be taken away  
>> from us.
>>  Come join us.
> It's All About Choice.

Yup, but the real choice is for *us* in out businesses or careers.  
Stephen has hitched his horse to M$ and .NET. Technically we can  
argue all we want, but it is his business decision. He keeps getting  
gigs, so it looks pretty good to me. I'm doing open source. Results?  
So-so at best, but it might be me. Bill has decided to keep his horse  
hitched to the good ole' VFP. Good for him! Bad for his customers, if  
he has any left. But *I* can live with that: one less viable  
competitor. We all believe that he lives in la-la land, praying that  
magic fairy dust will land on VFP.

The Market will prove out the best business strategy.

As a number of folks have said to Bill: "Good luck with all that."


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