Go to http://www.asp.net
Click on learn
Click on general asp.net

Go down to the "How Do I" section
#11. Create data-driven web sites
#55. Pass information from one page to another using a query string
#17. Use cascading style sheets for web page layout
#20. Implement site navigation in asp.net

-----Original Message-----
Of MB Software Solutions General Account
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 11:03 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: Where have you gone, Visual FoxPro?

Virgil Bierschwale wrote:
> I'll second that..
> Been learning asp.net and vb.net off an on since january.
> You can download 4 video tutorials from asp.net that will teach you 
> all of the basic concepts for asp.net and have you productive in a week..
> I'm not much on frameworks, but it sure allows for rapid development 
> once you understand the quirks...

Link(s) for those 4 video tutorials?

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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