The only thing I will say that I had to learn is, your initial steps will be
to use the controls to do all the work for you.

It seems to me that when you do it that way, it becomes hard to customize,
whereas if you actually code it line by line it just seems a lot easier to
work with as in the following code to make a flatfile

Another confusing thing is in you call a field name one way and in
asp_net you call it a different way.
I tried many times to get the following code done using the controls, and
then I finally met a .net developer and once he showed me the basics of it,
I was off and running.

Problem is, you don't seem to find this stuff in the samples you find on the


Imports System 
Imports System.Data 
Imports System.Data.OleDb 

Public Class MakeFlatFile 
    Dim m_adinum As String 
    Dim m_model As String 
    Dim m_asset As String 
    'Dim m_serial As String  806 
    'Dim m_status As Integer 806 
    Dim m_empID As String 
    Dim m_last_name As String 
    Dim m_first_name As String 
    Dim m_chk_out As Date 
    Dim m_chk_in As Date 
    'Dim m_comments As String 806 

    Private Sub MakeFlatFile_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
        GetAccessData("", "", "") 
    End Sub 

    Public Function GetAccessData(ByVal UID As String, ByVal pwd As String,
ByVal artist As String) 
        Dim conn As New OleDbConnection 

        Dim cmd806 As New OleDbCommand 
        Dim cmd807 As New OleDbCommand 

        Dim connString As String 
        connString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data
        conn.ConnectionString = connString 

        cmd807.Connection = conn 
        cmd807.CommandText = " Select * from T807" 
        Dim ds807 As New DataSet 
        Dim da807 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd807.CommandText,
        Dim dr807 As OleDbDataReader = cmd807.ExecuteReader() 
        da807.Fill(ds807, "vjb_807") 

        Dim m_idNUMBER As Integer 
        m_idNUMBER = 2 
        Do While dr807.Read() 
            If dr807.Item("C1028000004").ToString = "" Then 
                m_adinum = dr807.Item("C1028000004") 
            End If 
            If dr807.Item("C1028000001").ToString = "" Then 
                m_model = dr807.Item("C1028000001") 
            End If 
            If dr807.Item("C1028000003").ToString = "" Then 
                m_asset = dr807.Item("C1028000003") 
            End If 
            ' vjb - get history from laptop file 
            'm_comments = dr806.item("C1028000009") 
            'm_serial = dr806.Item("C1028000002") 
            'm_status = dr806.Item("C1028000005") 
            If dr807.Item("C240000006").ToString = "" Then 
                m_empID = dr807.Item("C240000006") 
            End If 

            If dr807.Item("C240000001").ToString = "" Then 
                m_last_name = dr807.Item("C240000001") 
            End If 

            Dim delimStr As String = " " 
            Dim delimiter As Char() = delimStr.ToCharArray() 
            Dim words As String = m_last_name 
            Dim split As String() = Nothing 
            Dim x As Integer 
            For x = 1 To 3 
                split = words.Split(delimiter, x) 
                'Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "count = {0,2}
..............", x) 
                Dim s As String 
                Dim pass As Integer 
                pass = 1 
                For Each s In split 
                    'Console.WriteLine("-{0}-", s) 
                    If pass = 1 Then 
                        Label1.Text = s 
                    End If 
                    If pass = 2 Then 
                        Label2.Text = s 
                    End If 
                    If pass = 3 Then 
                        Label3.Text = s 
                    End If 
                    pass = pass + 1 
                Next s 
            Next x 
            Label4.Text = m_last_name 

            ' vjb - need to build the names here 
            ' vjb - automatically assume we have a first and last name, need
to compensate for the middle name 
            If Label3.Text = "" Then 
                ' only have two variables for the name 
                m_last_name = Label2.Text 
                m_first_name = Label1.Text 
                ' must have three parts to the name 
                m_last_name = Label3.Text 
                m_first_name = Label1.Text + " " + Label2.Text 

            End If 
            Label5.Text = m_last_name 
            Label6.Text = m_first_name 

            'MsgBox("check it out") 

            If dr807.Item("C240000001").ToString = "" Then 
                m_first_name = dr807.Item("C240000001") 
            End If 
            If dr807.Item("checked_out").ToString = "" Then 
                m_chk_out = dr807.Item("checked_out") 
            End If 
            If dr807.Item("checked_in").ToString = "" Then 
                'm_chk_in = 
                m_chk_in = dr807.Item("checked_in") 
            End If 

            Label1.Text = "" 
            Label2.Text = "" 
            Label3.Text = "" 
            Label4.Text = "" 
            Label5.Text = "" 
            Label6.Text = "" 
            m_idNUMBER = m_idNUMBER + 1 

        'cmd807.Connection = conn 
        'cmd807.CommandText = " Select * from T807" 
        'Dim ds807 As New DataSet 
        'Dim da807 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd807.CommandText,
        'Dim dr807 As OleDbDataReader = cmd807.ExecuteReader() 
        'da807.Fill(ds807, "vjb_807") 

        MsgBox("Connection established") 

    End Function 

    Public Sub subUpdateRecords() 
        Dim strConn As String 
        Dim strSQL As String 
        strConn = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
        'strSQL = "insert into laptop_inventory (ADINUM, model_type,
asset_tag, emp_ID, emp_last_name, emp_first_name, [date_checked_out],
[date_checked_in], comments") VALUES (m_empID, m_adinum, m_model, m_asset,
m_empID, m_last_name, m_first_name, [m_chk_out], [m_chk_in])" 
        strSQL = "insert into laptop_inventory (ADINUM, model_type,
asset_tag, emp_ID, emp_last_name, emp_first_name, date_checked_out,
date_checked_in) VALUES ('" & m_adinum & "','" & m_model & "','" & m_asset &
"','" & m_empID & "','" & Label5.Text & "','" & Label6.Text & "','" &
m_chk_out & "','" & m_chk_in & "')" 

        Dim cn As New OleDbConnection(strConn) 
        Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn) 


    End Sub 
End Class 

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