>> We need to face the fact that they don't want us to have the energy
>>we need.  

>I am sue that is part of the Democratic philosophy.  Deny eneryg to others!

>Where do yo come up with ideas or values like this anyway?

>Why not add to the list :

>1) They don't let me drive as fast as I want to .
>2) They make me breathe fresh air.

Well, sue, I've never seen anything to show me I'm wrong.  You make the 
assumption that execssive regulation will result in cleaner air... mayby, maybe 
not.  Most assuredly it will result in a loss of freedom.  It's interesting 
that the same people who fuss and fume about the Patriot Act intruding in the 
lives of Americans don't make a peep when Big Brother comes up with all sorts 
of even more intrusive regulations they approve of.  Beyond this, many on the 
left are just ashamed our our position as the most properous and powerful 
nation in the world and are attempting to change this.  

Larry Miller 

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