I went back and researched the closing oil prices for 2008 so that ya'll
would see what I'm talking about.

The smallest difference was in jun and even though 38 cents doesn't seem
like a lot, think of it as the difference between 4 dollar gasoline and 3.60
gasoline and then it does make a difference. Of course I have no way of
knowing the formula that is used to calculate the daily rack price, but as
you can see, there has always been a difference between the high that the
speculators bid it up too and the actual close price at the end of the

Something to think about
Jul 08 crude light - open 75.71, high of 138.80, close of 134.62 - about 4
bucks per gallon less then the highest
Jun 08 crude light - open 70.67, high of 129.45, close of 129.07 - about 38
cents per gallon less then the highest
May 08 crude light - open 71.22, high of 119.90, close of 119.37 - about 53
cents per gallon less then the highest
Apr 08 crude light - open 72.97, high of 111.00, close of 104.48 - about 6
dollars and 52 cents less then the highest
Mar 08 crude light - open 66.98, high of 101.30, close of 100.74 - about 56
cents per gallon less then the highest
Feb 08 crude light - open 66.24, high of 100.05, close of 89.85  - about 11
dollars and some change less then the highest
Jan 08 crude light - open 67.19, high of 98.70, close of 90.49   - about 8
dollars and some change less then the highest 

-----Original Message-----
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 8:33 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Pickens Plan

> We need to face the fact that they don't want us to have the energy we

Hi Larry!

They want the bulk of us to be poor in every way, not just energy. They want
themselves and their cronies to be rich, though. The Ds are just the old
time commies gussied up with a "progressive" image.


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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