On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:11 PM, MB Software Solutions General
Account <mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com> wrote:
> Michael Madigan wrote:
>> I've been trying to collect a $360 bill now for a few days and all I get
> is "he's not in", or "may I take a message".  He doesn't answer is cell
> phone now either.
>> Sounds like he's avoiding me.
>> Sucks that I need the money by June 1.
> That does suck.  When was the invoice due?

What is the current age of the invoice?  Was it just presented?

Have you done business with this client in the past and were there
different terms in earlier days?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Web and Windows Development
Independent Contractor
Memphis TN


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