Thank you Ian,

You have given me several good ideas that could benefit from video explanation. 
I agree that the Head example is probably not the one that is best suited
to video. For me, it was a chance to dip my toe in the water and see how it
might work. The more conceptual ideas, such as Henry's diagrams comparing the 
composition conjunctions, could be fertile ground for video explanation. 

One of the other ways that I think that the Head video may work is to wrap a
lab around it. In the next couple of days I am looking to release a video lab 
based on the 
Head video in JHS. I think that this increases the usefulness for teaching 
purposes and may be 
a potential use for some of the simpler videos. I look forward for your 
reflections on 
this project.

Also, thank you for the comparison with 3Blue!Brown, but Grant Sanderson's 
videos are 
ones that I aspire to and are beyond comparison to my current level. 

Thanks again for your valuable input.

Cheers, bob

> On May 26, 2019, at 8:35 AM, Ian Clark <> wrote:
> Your videos are gorgeous, Bob. A 3Blue1Brown channel for the J community.
> You wrote
>> As I said I think that I am looking for a use for my tools more than
> anything else.
> Your "Items" movie aptly meets a training need. It also fills a blind-spot
> in NuVoc – as it's presently conceived. More so than your Head ({.) movie
> and its proposed series. That is, considered as a proof of concept, rather
> than a work of art, where it can't be faulted.
> I didn't think there was a lot of future in the idea of a Head-type movie
> for each of the 121 primitives documented by NuVoc. The idea's come up
> before, and I haven't changed my mind about it. It's a helluva lot of work,
> fated to be mostly wasted.
> Here's why.
> Originally NuVoc aimed to deliver online help at the point-of-use in the
> shortest possible time, with minimum demands on the beginner's overloaded
> brain. It avoided diverting the user's attention from the coding task in
> hand, i.e. their own, whatever it was. It assumed he or she had no time
> (…just then) to settle down to a sublime exposition of J theology. That's
> why there's a line across the page (originally a heavy line!) with "More
> Information" below the line.
> I fear your Head ({.) movie and its kin would go below the line, in amongst
> "More Information". This would condemn it and its siblings to being watched
> perhaps twice or 3 times in the whole career of any given novice user, and
> then for perhaps just 2 or 3 primitives. Your "Items" movie escapes my
> criticism by being both more general and much better targeted.
> Let me suggest what these "2 or 3 primitives" are: Rank ("),  Cut (;.),
> Atop (@) &co.
> They're all conjunctions. Precisely where NuVoc meets its greatest
> challenge (…and fails, some would say). NuVoc does best when it deals
> separately with verbs and adverbs derived from conjunctions. IMO here's
> where your videos would really show-off their power.
> Example:
> Buried in the "More Information" section of Atop (@)
> …you see a marvellous diagram
> (due to Henry) of what verb composition is all about. I used to study this
> thing like a mandala. But might it be better as a movie? Or supported by a
> movie?
> Ian Clark
> On Sun, 26 May 2019 at 12:17, 'Pascal Jasmin' via Programming <
>> wrote:
>> well done.  I thought this concept was getting through just fine in your
>> {. video, but this is a concise and direct addressing of items.
>>    On Saturday, May 25, 2019, 11:54:01 p.m. EDT, 'robert therriault' via
>> Programming <> wrote:
>> As a reply to Raul, I have created a video that explains the concepts of
>> items in J. This is a bit different as it deals with a concept rather than
>> a verb.
>> Let me know what you think.
>> Cheers, bob
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