
I ran your code and cut and pasted it in this message.  I'm not sure how it 
will look.  Try to ignore all the linefeeds and focus more on the results.

Here are some of my thoughts.

You made it all the way to a frequency distribution which meets the 
requirements. That is a good first step. Actually you are the first to submit a 
result that gets that far.

My most serious suggestion relates to the fact that you are missing the major 
idea in creating a verb.  You need to study how to write explicit verbs in one 
line. As you change the arguments you will get different results without 
changing the verb.

In a frequency distribution, usually the left column is arranged in numeric 
order. It is usally, although not always, arranged from small to large.
You have gotten your results in some sort of random order.  Using  sort  you 
will be able to change that. After that it should be easy to create  purr  or a 
frequence distribution of empirical percentages of occurrence in the large toss.

Finaly, using  fd  again will not produce new results.

Each of the things that I have mention are things to work out for yourself in 
the future.  You have made impressive progress in mastering challenge.

Keep writing!

   oneCup=: ,:2# 4 6 8 12 20       
4 4 6 6 8 8 12 12 20 20
   tosses=:+/"1@(1 + ?@#&oneCup) 
+/"1@(1 + ?@#&(,:4 4 6 6 8 8 12 12 20 20))
   fd=: (~.,. #/.~)tosses 5e5     
74  3971
71  6377
36  4049
59 17238
47 14176
43 10222
63 13979
42  9369
67 10357
49 16064
55 18328
40  7081
57 18450
76  2658
58 17654
51 17100
69  8242
45 12380
60 17038
46 13438
61 15913
75  3262
44 11190
35  3305
52 17710
53 18219
54 18413
38  5426
64 13064
56 18316
65 12240
68  9217
37  4711
50 16826
70  7257
48 15224
66 11276
72  5423
31  1309
62 15104
81   800
34  2690
29   817
79  1349
78  1717
80  1037
73  4721
77  2201
39  6201
41  8202
28   571
33  2194
83   424
82   543
32  1792
86   142
87    92
30  1055
27   393
26   286
21    35
22    58
84   300
85   211
25   200
91    11
24   134
90    15
23    96
89    37
88    56
92     7
18     4
93     4
16     2
20    15
19     8
94     2
17     2
   1e5=+/1{"1 fd
   500000=+/1{"1 fd
   4!:0 ;:'oneCup tosses fd'
0 3 0


-----Original Message-----
From: programming-boun...@jsoftware.com 
[mailto:programming-boun...@jsoftware.com] On Behalf Of Raul Miller
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 1:09 PM
To: Programming forum
Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] Many Turkey Rolls - No embargo

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Linda Alvord <lindaalv...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Create a frequency distribution  fd of your data.  How many of each possible 
> toss occurred.  The possibilities are from  5 and 100 inclusive.

This cannot be right.  Either we are throwing one of each of the
polyhedral dice and the possibilities are from 5 through 50, or we are
throwing two of each of the polyhedral dice and the possibilities are
from 10 through 100.  Currently I am leaning towards the "two of each"

That leaves me with:

   oneCup=: ,:2# 4 6 8 12 20       NB. noun
   tosses=: +/"1@(1 + ?@#&oneCup)  NB. verb
   fd=: (~.,. #/.~) tosses 5e5     NB. noun

(And, yes, my earlier suggestion had a bug - a six sided dice would
have numbers ranging from 0 through 5.)

> Then make   purr  . This is also a frequency distribution but the results 
> should be percent of the total tosses each possible result.  The total of 
> these 96 percents should have a sum of 100% . This can be affirmed with 
> assert. It checks the frequency distribution to be sure that your percentages 
> are correct.

This would be:
   purr=: fd %("1) 1 _<.+/fd*0.01

Except here I see that you are suggesting that I have a bucket for
each possible option, which typically will not happen.  10 will occur
approximately one time in 2 trillion rolls:

So let's revisit fd:
   fd=: (~.,. #/.~ - 1:) (10}.i.1++/,oneCup),tosses 5e5
   purr=: fd %("1) 1 _<.+/fd*0.01

> Are your actual sums in a noun, d,  of length 1e5 ? This list needs to be 
> tallied in a frequency distribution.Then also do a frequency distribution of 
> percentages. Write the verb  purr
>    fdrm=:
>    fdrm
> Tally of totals

What are the arguments of fdrm?

Possibilities include;
   (,oneCup); 5e5
   oneCup; 5e5
   5e5$ oneCup
   1 + ? 5e5$ oneCup

>   Purrrm=:
>   purrrm d
> Tallies converted to percentages

What are the arguments of Purrrm?  This could be the same arguments
that fdrm takes or it could be the result of fdrm.

> Purr has the sound of PERcent.  Sorry if the playful name bothered you.

I have no problem with the name.  Some time I should tell you about
the parser I wrote where all of the names came from the Flintstones,
because I could not think of anything better.

Hopefully my above comments, interleaved with text you wrote, make my
problems clearer.


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