On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Linda Alvord <lindaalv...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Create a frequency distribution  fd of your data.  How many of each possible 
> toss occurred.  The possibilities are from  5 and 100 inclusive.

This cannot be right.  Either we are throwing one of each of the
polyhedral dice and the possibilities are from 5 through 50, or we are
throwing two of each of the polyhedral dice and the possibilities are
from 10 through 100.  Currently I am leaning towards the "two of each"

That leaves me with:

   oneCup=: ,:2# 4 6 8 12 20       NB. noun
   tosses=: +/"1@(1 + ?@#&oneCup)  NB. verb
   fd=: (~.,. #/.~) tosses 5e5     NB. noun

(And, yes, my earlier suggestion had a bug - a six sided dice would
have numbers ranging from 0 through 5.)

> Then make   purr  . This is also a frequency distribution but the results 
> should be percent of the total tosses each possible result.  The total of 
> these 96 percents should have a sum of 100% . This can be affirmed with 
> assert. It checks the frequency distribution to be sure that your percentages 
> are correct.

This would be:
   purr=: fd %("1) 1 _<.+/fd*0.01

Except here I see that you are suggesting that I have a bucket for
each possible option, which typically will not happen.  10 will occur
approximately one time in 2 trillion rolls:

So let's revisit fd:
   fd=: (~.,. #/.~ - 1:) (10}.i.1++/,oneCup),tosses 5e5
   purr=: fd %("1) 1 _<.+/fd*0.01

> Are your actual sums in a noun, d,  of length 1e5 ? This list needs to be 
> tallied in a frequency distribution.Then also do a frequency distribution of 
> percentages. Write the verb  purr
>    fdrm=:
>    fdrm
> Tally of totals

What are the arguments of fdrm?

Possibilities include;
   (,oneCup); 5e5
   oneCup; 5e5
   5e5$ oneCup
   1 + ? 5e5$ oneCup

>   Purrrm=:
>   purrrm d
> Tallies converted to percentages

What are the arguments of Purrrm?  This could be the same arguments
that fdrm takes or it could be the result of fdrm.

> Purr has the sound of PERcent.  Sorry if the playful name bothered you.

I have no problem with the name.  Some time I should tell you about
the parser I wrote where all of the names came from the Flintstones,
because I could not think of anything better.

Hopefully my above comments, interleaved with text you wrote, make my
problems clearer.


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