Hi drew, *,

drew schrieb:
> On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 18:36 +0200, Erich Christian wrote:

[.. german folder names ..]

>> Could you tell me the folders concerned?

> Yes - sorry - I meant to get to this today, but wandered a little.

> There was only a few:

> artwork/clipart/pfeile

which easily could be renamed as the files inside are almost named

> screenshots/Beispiele
> screenshots/Vorlagen

contain indeed german language examples and templates..

> I think a few others - anyway - as I said, I don't see it as a big
> problem.

> Right now I'm more concerned that the different teams just have a good
> understanding of what structures are in place.

For now the pattern is "how we did" and needs common elaboration.

> Also, as I said - when I could see a pattern (or what I thought was a
> pattern) I tried to follow it.

> i.e.

> artwork/gallery/*
> [I used the single directory per]

> extras/misc/*
> [I used the single directory per]

> templates/*
> [there was already a de directory (and separate sub-dir for Beispiele)

So this might be moved to de/

> so I added en, es, fr sub-dirs]

> templates/en/*
> [I followed the pattern of single sub-dir for each collection of
> templates]

> Otherwise - where I could find a file, used both by the de and na disc
> then I re-linked the HTML page to point to the file currently oh disc.

So the criteria could be to put files into the <lang>/ folders following
the language content. But didn't think this at end.

> I also looked at the installer directory and THINK I understand what
> is being planned there - I should put my thoughts in an email and
> just make sure that we are all on the same page. (will do that on the
> projects list later today)


Might be a good idea to fix this in a wiki page.

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