Trent Bates wrote:

I am trying to export one of my schematics to a customer.  I am using Protel
99SE SP6.

The customer would like it in a pdf format or an Orcad format (.DSN file or
something of the sort) or something they could read from PSpice. I tried
saving one of my schematics as an Orcad .sch file but strange things
happened and components went all over the place. What is the best way to
export the schematic. Can Protel export to a pdf format? I think that
would be the easiest. I can take screen shots but you end up loosing a lot
of detail with screen shots. If I took a screen shot of the whole schematic
it would look pretty fuzzy when you zoomed in once it was in pdf format. If
I could export directly to pdf I could keep the detail.

My system, although cumbersome, works. I output to a PostScript file, using a
driver for one of the common color printers from HP, but causing it to be saved
to a file. I then pull the file over to Linux and run it through ps2pdf, to convert to
pdf format. I'm sure Adobe has a program that will do this all in Windows.
(I run Win 2K as a "guest" OS under VMware, with Linux as the "host" OS.)


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