Since the existing Event.simulateMouse code is labelled experimental,
then this code with its suite of tests must be an improvement worth
patching in? Even if it retains its "experimental" label, it will be
an enhancement/bug fix patch for existing code.

Whilst the ticket is categorised "", it could be
repatch against the prototype versions of unittest.js and the patch
resubmitted if it will be accepted.


On Feb 4, 4:48 pm, Dr Nic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [posted by kangax in Nov 07 with no responses at the time]
> Hello team,
> I recently needed a cross-browser simulateMouse support for some of
> our tests in Prototype UI and stumbled upon certain limitations in
> current implementation. Event.simulateMouse is marked as "Firefox-only
> and experimental". Turning it into a somewhat robust solution will
> definitely benefit other modules' test suits (notable autocompleter
> and IPE which rely on mouse events quite heavily).
> Thomas mentioned that any patches and tests are very appreciated,
> considering that as of now there are NO specific unit tests for this
> wonderful method.
> Here's a fresh patch unit
> tests
> (FF2+, IE6+, Opera 9+, Safari 3 all pass happily). Would be nice to
> know about Safari 2 as well. The coverage is not as complete as I
> would want it to be, but it's a good start and is better than nothing.
> My question is:
> What are the chances of applying it to the current version or would it
> rather make sense to bake it into a 2.0?
> best,
> kangax
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