At first: Sorry but i missed that you do not specify all required  
options for Effect.Move
You should check at 
, there you will find that you have to specifiy x, y and mode at least.
And i just realized that using a hash as container for options does  
not work, at least it does not here. My apologies.

Other than that the code should work just fine if you replace the $ 
('banner1').move(... line with

new Effect.Move('banner1' , {x: 60, y:-30, mode : 'relative'});

or mode : 'absolute' , i can't tell from this snippet you posted want  
you want to do.

If this does not work: Do you have and prototype  
imported correctly to your page? And what versions of both are you  

Am 16.02.2009 um 21:51 schrieb Leonard Burton:

> Hi Timm,
>> your code does not work, because there is no Element method called
>> "move".
>> You have to a) create a new Effect for this and b) you must merge the
>> two options hashes before using them since move expects only one:
>> new Effect.Move('banner1' , $H(options).merge({x: 60, y:-30}))
> How do I make this syntax work with the code I have?
>> I would also suggest to use this way of effect creation for any  
>> effect
>> instead of calling object methods on Element objects, since it
>> emphasis the separation of effects and prototypes
>> (DOM-) extensions.
> I know nothing about DOM other than the acronym!
> How do I do this?  When I have changed the effects from the
> $(element)[effect] syntax to the one you are suggesting, none of the
> effects work.  Within the framework of the snippet I inserted in my
> first email would you please show me how the way you are talking about
> works?
> Thanks,
> Leonard.
>> Am 16.02.2009 um 19:14 schrieb Leonard Burton:
>>> HI All,
>>> I have been trying to do this for several months and the  
>>> documentation
>>> seems to be of no help to me.  Can someone help?  I appreciate it.
>>> I would like to be able to take these banners and move them to the
>>> right or to the left.
>>> Why doesn't move or Parallel work in this queue?
>>> I was in the IRC room, and a nice enough gentleman said that the  
>>> docs
>>> contained everything, but obviously they don't.
>>> How can I make the images move to the right or left in the code I  
>>> have
>>> provided below.
>>> function sequence() {
>>>        var options = { queue: 'end', duration:2 };
>>>        var fade = { queue: 'end', duration:5 };
>>>        $('banner1').appear(options);
>>>        $('banner1').move(options, { x: 60, y: -30 });
>>>        $('banner1').fade(fade);
>>>        $('banner2').appear(options);
>>>        $('banner2').dropOut(options);
>>>        $('banner3').appear(options);
>>>        $('banner3').fade(fade);
>>>        $('banner4').appear(options);
>>>        $('banner4').dropOut(options);
>>>        $('banner5').appear(options);
>>>        $('banner5').fade(Object.extend(options, {afterFinish:
>>> sequence}));
>>> }
>>> Thanks in advanced for any help!
>>> --
>>> Leonard Burton, N9URK
>>> "The prolonged evacuation would have dramatically affected the
>>> survivability of the occupants."
> -- 
> Leonard Burton, N9URK
> "The prolonged evacuation would have dramatically affected the
> survivability of the occupants."
> >

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