Hey Slau

On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:01 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> While this sounds like a good idea at first, I can see how it might not work 
> out too well. First of all, there will undoubtedly be plenty of people who 
> are familiar with how dAWs work who will be utterly disinterested in many 
> beginning subjects whereas new comers, not only to Pro Tools but to DAWs will 
> want to listen and learn and much of what is being said will be over their 
> heads. There needs to be a plan in place for an orderly progression of 
> subjects covered thoroughly so that everyone can just tune into what 
> interests them. This sounds like a very simple idea: start at the top and 
> just go forward. I can't tell you how huge an undertaking this is. Of course, 
> one can rush in and just do things haphazardly but, I think, will find that 
> it's much more complicated than that and certainly much more work. Hey, don't 
> let me discourage you from trying but I do think, for good results, one has 
> to plan and do it right. Hey, maybe everyone on the list feels differently. 
> Chime up, folks.
Well... There are certainly no warranties and no money back guaranties.  
Personally I am looking for this to be more like a society of blind pro tools 
users or something.  I'd like it to be a meeting where people can come listen 
and chime in when appropriate.  Maybe we could have a 10 minute section for 
those who have never tried PT; another 20-30 minutes of a presentation; a 15-20 
minute time for people who are users to discuss the challenges and or nifty 
ways to use PT.  Of course I'm looking for something that is flexible and yet 
honors peoples time.  I have been in lots of these kinds of communities over 
the years and I have met some great folks who ended being great friends.  We 
all need as much support as we can get.  Hopefully even those who have been 
using PT since 5.1 can still get something out of it.  Maybe they just enjoy 
teaching others; maybe they enjoy the socializing; maybe people end up doing 
business together.  If it doesn't work out for people no big deal.  I think we 
can all learn a whole lot from each other.


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