Hi tim, well that's weird.

Well, what happend for me was that I found that I was in the track
list and regardless of the track I was on, even if I pressed vo space
to select it, When I pressed shift m, for example, a seeming random
track got muted and it was always that track, regardless of what I did
with the keyboard focus buttons.

I have some vision, so had been playing around with the selector tool
and clicking on track ets.

When I looked through the keyboard shortcuts manual, the shift +s m
and r keys apply to the selected track. I'm not sure what Pro Tools
classifies as being the selected track but here's what I noticed.

When I uncheck link track and edit selection, If you click on a track,
solo, mute and arming works for that track, however, if you select a
different track by using vo in the track list, those keys will still
apply to the previously selected track.

If you select that menu option, When you select a different track in
the track list, the insertion point moves to the newly selected track
and the keys work correctly for that track.

That's the long version of the polava I went through to get it working
for me. I'm using  the very first version that became accessible last
June, so there may be a more recent update that works differently, but
I'm glad we've both got it working.

I was playing around with xpand 2 yesterday, that's very accessible as
well, though not as good as Omnisphere which I really want to get,
does anyone know if any of that is accessible with VO?


On 7/15/11, Tim Burgess <tim...@raisedbar.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've finally had a chance to play with this.  Slau's Command+Option+1 made
> the difference for me.  Enabling Link Track and Edit Selection just meant
> that the Shift+Letter combinations would only be applied to tracks that were
> actively selected.  Unchecking this option allowed me to mute, solo, etc.
> whatever track I was positioned on within the table, regardless of its
> selection state.
> Best wishes.
> Tim Burgess
> Raised Bar Ltd
> Phone:  +44 (0)1827 719822
> Don't forget to vote for improved access to music and music technology at
> http://www.raisedbar.net/petition.htm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Gary Readfern-Gray
> Sent: 14 July 2011 00:36
> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: From joy to frustration - important tip
> OK Guys I finally figured it out. Tim I think this will sort out your
> problem. with the Shift + r M or s keys.
> To get these keys to work, you have to go to the options menu and check the
> item labeled "Link track and edit selection"
> Enjoy.
> Gazza
> On 12 Jul 2011, at 21:28, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> In the Digidesign folder, go to the Documentation folder, then into the
> Pro Tools subfolder and you'll find a pdf document with all of the keyboard
> shortcuts. Also, right in the Help menu you'll find the same document.
>> To copy an entire section across all tracks, enable the "All" Group. Then
> scrub anywhere in the song. Go to the beginning of your desired section and
> then select the range, copy, move to the place you wish to paste and press
> Command-v. Pro Tools will paste all the regions to their respective tracks.
>> That's the short version of the story. Depending upon whether you're in
> bars/beats or minutes:seconds, your needs might be a little different. I'm
> not going to get into the minutiae without knowing precisely what you're
> doing but that's the idea. Remember to turn off the All group when you're
> done or else you might run into trouble.
>> HTH,
>> Slau
>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 4:11 PM, Gary Readfern-Gray wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks so much all for the help. I didn't quite get to the bottom of why
> it wasn't working before now but it's working great now regardless it seems
> of selecting or otherwise the keyboard focus buttons. maybe because I've
> shut and reopend the session since I last tried. So, back to joy again. I'm
> already more productive after 24 hours than I was in Logic after about 9
> months and being able to find and set my EQ paramaters, at long last!!
>>> So, at risk of becoming boring with my enthusiasm, Where can I get a list
> of shortcut keys for PT 8? I particularly want to be ableto select and copy
> audio around.
>>> One question, is it possible accessibly to copy, let's say a verse of a
> song across all the tracks and paste it in the next verse along and have all
> the music placed in the correct tracks? I never figgured out how to do that
> in Sonar and doing that track by track gets very old, very quickly.
>>> P.S
>>> Kevin, I also have Superior drummer, so if there's anything I can help
> with on a preset front, just mail me, though of course, I'm still new to PT.
>>> Gazza,
>>> On 12 Jul 2011, at 19:38, Tim Burgess wrote:
>>>> Hey Slau,
>>>> I think you've stopped me going crazy - I was also having problems
>>>> with the
>>>> Shift+Letter combinations in the Mix window.  I'll give this a try
>>>> Shift+and see
>>>> if I can do the mute, solo and arm functions now.
>>>> Best wishes.
>>>> Tim Burgess
>>>> Raised Bar Ltd
>>>> Phone:  +44 (0)1827 719822
>>>> Don't forget to vote for improved access to music and music
>>>> technology at
>>>> http://www.raisedbar.net/petition.htm
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com]
>>>> On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
>>>> Sent: 12 July 2011 13:06
>>>> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: Re: From joy to frustration!
>>>> Hi Gazza,
>>>> Use Command-Option-1 to use Commands focus mode. There are two other
>>>> modes which are, if I remember correctly, Audio Regions and Groups
>>>> focus mode and they are Command-Option-2 and Command-Option-3
>>>> respectively. There's also a keyboard focus button right in the
>>>> window but, if the tracks list isn't displayed, you can't access
>>>> that button. what Kevin mentioned about the Mix window display
>>>> buttons should help you get it to be visible. I think there's also a
> menu item to display the tracks list.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Slau
>>>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 3:49 AM, Gary Readfern-Gray wrote:
>>>>> Hi Listers,
>>>>> Well, I bought a mac about a year ago because I wanted to start
>>>>> using Pro
>>>> Tools, but when the accessible version finally arrived, I found
>>>> getting around a session so clunky and horrible to use, I bought
>>>> Logic and have been using that, I have a little sight so I was stumbling
> along with it.
>>>>> Then, after months and months of using Logic, I come across Keven's
>>>> tutorial and discover that, once you've got more than one track in
>>>> the session, the track list is usable by VO and that's what I wanted
>>>> to do initally, quickly find a track, mute, solo and arm.
>>>>> However, whilst I can select the tracks in the track list, Shift m
>>>>> r and s
>>>> are not working for me regardless of what I seem to try.
>>>>> So I googled around and found that this seems to have something to
>>>>> do with
>>>> keyboard focus mode? I'm using PT 8.4 by the way, and these keys
>>>> apparently are available in 8.4?
>>>>> So, How, in the name of sanity, do I get that functionality to work
>>>>> where
>>>> I can sit in the track list and mute, solo and arm and unarm?
>>>>> My other question is, How do I get the track list to be displayed
>>>>> in the
>>>> mix window? PT is only letting me cursor over there if I'm in the
>>>> edit window but Kevin seemed to be able to get there whilst in the mix
> window?
>>>>> Finally, for now, what's the quickest way to get to the track list?
>>>>> I'm
>>>> often using vo i to bring up the items list and typing table to
>>>> filter the list and selecting track list table, however if you've
>>>> got a gazillion tracks in your session, it takes a while for the
>>>> itme list to pop up. Any thoughts on that one?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Gazza

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