Just a reply to some of the discussion for this topic....the question
of who needs to make the update, either Apple or Avid is clearly
Avid.  The entire structure of how files are handled was changed with
the new time machine style versioning and upcoming cloud
functionality.  Avid will have to modify their file writing components
and possibly add support for full screen mode, the "always available"
functionality that never actually closes an application on your
machine and several other new options if they choose to support them.
This will most likely take them a long time if they really want to
fully support the benefits of Lion....you saw how long it took to move
from Leopard to Snow Leopard and that was not as significant of an
upgrade.  On a more positive note, there may be a way to run Pro Tools
in Lion but that would absolutely not be for production purposes
because it is of course not supported.  I have not done this yet but
plan to try.  Lion natively runs in 64bit mode and this is one of the
reasons why not only Pro Tools but a lot of hardware does not work in
Lion.  If you run it in 32bit mode you may be able to get this to
work.  SL does not run natively in 64bit.  If you hold down the 3 and
2 on your keyboard when you boot you will boot into 32 bit mode in
Lion...this may allow you to run Pro Tools and may allow some hardware
without 64bit drivers to work.  I have a Tascam FW1884 that did not
work in 64bit mode but did work in 32bit mode.  I have read many posts
of people getting Pro Tools to work in 32bit mode in Lion.  You would
lose any memory over 4gb so this is not good for everyone.  And in a
professional production environment you would not want to try this at
all.  But it might be okay for those who just want to experiment or
have no looming deadlines.  Use this info at your own risk.....BTW
hold down 6 and 4 to return to the 64bit mode....how clever of Apple!

Slau Halatyn wrote:
> Hey Scott,
> Although it is theoretically possible to do that (I know because I've 
> actually had to do it), it's not the best. Pro Tools can be a little sluggish 
> and, depending upon the size of the session, there can be errors when 
> bouncing. That said, I was dealing with 32 tracks at the time and, in all 
> fairness, there was one error the first time I did a bounce but it seemed to 
> work after that without problems. I just made sure to let the bounce go 
> without using VoiceOver for anything while the bounce was in progress. So, it 
> technically works, I just don't know how well under various circumstances. I 
> would imagine a dual partition would work better.
> HTH,
> Slau
> On Jul 21, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
> > Out of interest, has anybody ever run Pt in a version of an OS hosted
> > on an external drive. My thinking was that I could upgrade the
> > internal to Lion and reap the rewards of general usage, then boot into
> > 10.6.7 on an external drive when it's time to do PT sessions.
> > Supposing that can work, would I need two external drives so as to
> > still be running PT and the OS on a separate drive from the audio
> > files themselves?
> >
> > Any thoughts appreciated...
> >
> > Scott
> >
> > On 7/21/11, Gordon Kent <dbmu...@cybernex.net> wrote:
> >> Hello:
> >> Yeah, I got an email from my sales guy at Sweetwater and he is adamantly
> >> advising against upgrading to Lion for all his customers.  Not only is it
> >> not compatible with pro tools, but a lot of hardware won’t work either.
> >> Apparently this is a significant upgrade under the hood.  It will probably
> >> be great once things settle down.
> >> Gord
> >>
> >> From: Slau Halatyn
> >> Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 10:29 AM
> >> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
> >> Subject: Re: what about lion?
> >>
> >> Pro Tools isn't even compatible with Snow Leopard 10.6.8 so don't even 
> >> think
> >> of going to Lion with Pro Tools because it doesn't work. Avid keeps people
> >> up to date on Pro tools compatibility on their web site.
> >>
> >> Best,
> >>
> >> Slau
> >>
> >> On Jul 20, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Jean-Philippe Rykiel wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>  hey! Watch out! It's coming! raoh!
> >>  It brings significant improvements on voice-over, but does anyone know if
> >> ProTools nine will be compatible with it? Should I upgrade or wait?
> >>  Best,
> >>  JPR
> >>
> >>  http://www.facebook.com/jprykiel
> >>  http://myspace.com/jeanphilipperykiel
> >>
> >>

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