No offense taken at all :) It's all good.

I use the Apogee Symphony I/O which is a modular system with cards of various 
configurations. It has Mac-based software which is quite accessible. Most 
importantly, it sounds great. A few guys I know are also really into Prism 
converters but I've had no firsthand experience with them.



On Mar 16, 2012, at 6:17 PM, Sonar Switcher wrote:

> Slau, sorry if my comment offended you I should have said it's not
> practical for me. In my case it takes much longer to hide and group
> because I'm usually not editing the same session or tracks which is
> why I prefer using the mouse to select only the tracks I need. The
> tone of your post sounded like you tooke offense and I didn't mean it
> in that way. Chuck, I can promise you it works every time because I've
> done it without anybody sighted around and you're correct about the
> names. The resize always works for me in Lion 10.7.2 but may have
> other results with a different OS. Without reposting a new subject,
> can somebody please fill me in on a really good I/O either 8 or 16
> channel? It doesn't have to have mic pre's or anything other than
> strict i/o. I'm trying to find something more in the higher end market
> that works well with PT. Well, maybe not the 10K end which I've seen
> on Google.
> Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> Actually, it is quite practical. Any tracks that need to be selected for 
>> editing are worth grouping, after which, one doesn't have to go through the 
>> process of reselecting tracks and can enable or disable with keystrokes 
>> alone. Further, it's possible to additionally hide or show the tracks with 
>> the same keystrokes—yet another way of working in Pro Tools.
>> Slau
>> On Mar 16, 2012, at 4:39 PM, Sonar Switcher wrote:
>>> david, I had the same problem and Chuck was the one to get it to work.
>>> I understand Slau's idea but it's not very practical if you have to
>>> move fast. I can have 40 tracks loaded and thanks to Chuck select any
>>> of them in seconds for example track 1-6-10-20-36 can be selected
>>> while leaving the others untouched without hiding, grouping etc. Use
>>> an actual mouse, go to the track table, interact with it, click the
>>> mouse or VO spacebar on the first track then just move through the
>>> table and command click the actual mouse on each track you want to
>>> select. The biggest prob I had at the beginning was not understanding
>>> you need a mouse and not VO spacebar for this. Chuck, the answer to
>>> not needing sighted help for the gray bar is to use the VO resize
>>> window command until you are sure the mouse is always where you need
>>> it to be. In my case I've had to resize different ways for different
>>> sessions because of too many tracks. Usually I get it in 2 or three
>>> tries of resizing. You also need the true mouse to do other things
>>> like solo safe and general commands that won't work with VO and mouse
>>> modifier keys.
>>> David Eagle wrote:
>>>> Hi, I have just listened to Kevin's tutorial on ProTools. He talks
>>>> about selecting tracks. I am finding it a bit of a challenge. I am in
>>>> the tracks table. I can select one track with VO space, but pressing
>>>> Shift and semi-colon or Shift and P does not select the next track.
>>>> Also, Kevin mentions not being able to select consecutive tracks. He
>>>> mentions being able to do this using a control surface but not with
>>>> the keyboard. Is there anyway to select - say - track 3, 5 and 7 with
>>>> the keyboard. It's a shame that PT haven't built it into the control
>>>> click menu for the track. It would be so easy to do.
>>>> Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
>>>> --

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