I understand that, Nick, and that I do respect, ok, in their defense, that does make sense, however, is there not anything? they can do? God, I mean, I basically have almost completely lost my pro tools with no recorse.

I mean damn! they won't even refund me!

Now if you can tell me how to get these plugins working, in 10.2, I'll be happy to try it again but do what I suggested in my last mail, and tell me if it breaks on your end as well. If it works, then you and I need to get together on phone, or Skype or something off list and compare our settings to see what you did to make it work that isn't set correctly in mine.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Gawronski" <n...@nickgawronski.com>
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!

Hi, well that portion about them not being able to make you a new license they might not have any control of as they probably don't even have a way to access the older licensing systems as I am not sure how ilok licensing works as I am sure it is different then just generaging a serial number. Nick Gawronski

On 6/6/2012 1:44 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

I already have tried. So has Sweet water. We've called muliple times.
They just will, not, do it.

They told me they don't even have a way anymore of making a pt 9 license.

They said they could do pt m power 9, but even then, 1, yes, I'd need a
new ilok which they refuse to give me at their expense, and I do not
have $49 to chuck away. And even if I did, why should that be on me for
something I didn't do to start with? Also being they said that I
forfitted my p t mp 9 license, they can't just give me one. They said
that would be like them giving me protools for free. Being they have no
indication I ever had pt mp 9 being the license was over written even on
their end with my p t 10, they have no proof that I had it. I gave them
the serial number which they said yielded nothing as it would a been
deactivated when I got p t 10 and totally would have deleted the serial
from their database.

So, yeah...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Gawronski"
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!

Hi, I would call avid or email them and ask why they won't as I find
that usually if you can explain the issues to them in a way that they
understand they can fix the issue. I would not just give up as if we
do that to a company it kind of makes them think that they are right
about not caring about accessibility which I am not trying to say that
they don't care but I am sure there is an option rather then buying
another ilok. Do they even have the ability to issue you a new pro
tools 9 license after you buy the ilok or would you have to buy an
ilok with the license installed already on it? Nick Gawronski

On 6/5/2012 10:00 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
See, that's the other thing. You mention about Mountain Lion. That's to
be released this Summer hopefully. I have heard nothing about PT
compatibility with it.
I dono...
Actually, I finally heard back from Sweetwater, and they are now even
telling me after doing much research, there is nothing that they can do
either. We're kind of at the mercy of Avid. Well, Avid says they won't
do anything, so... I guess I'm just F***ed.

----- Original Message -----
*From:* Ronald van Rhijn <mailto:pa...@xs4all.nl>
*To:* ptaccess@googlegroups.com <mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!

Hi Chris and others,
First of all let me say I am happy for you Sweetwater is doing it's
best for your problem.
then the Pro Tools 10 plugin troubles, this is quite a bummer,
haven't read anything about this before either. Very bad, instead of
expanding accessibility it has become less. Wrong way for sure. Avid
had to be aware of this, but was probably the only option for them.
Of course this is still very bad for us.
A petition doesn't seem to be the best thing to do at the moment,
don't think we will get through to Avid this way. Better let Slau
bring it to their attention.
On the other hand I don't think Avid is taking us very seriously to
be honest…. When came 8.04 out, two years ago?
I ain't upgrading to 10 just yet either. 9 is fully Lion compatible
right? How about Mountain Lion?
Just my humble opinion.

Op 5 jun. 2012, om 16:33 heeft Christopher-Mark Gilland het volgende

I second your thoughts here.
I think before I completely say nothing's being done, it doesn't
seem to appear that way, I'll gladly admit, but who knows. I'm not
an Avid engineer. O? K, you'd think they would have tested this
more thoroughly in our defense, but...
Yeah, I think you get the point.
I so would like to hear Slau's opinion on the new 10.2's
accessibility, and moving forward what we're hoping to do to get
to the bottom of this.
I did speak to Christopher Geissler over at Sweetwater, and he was
very prompt at getting right on things. He got a few e-mails shot
off to some of the real high up guys in Avid, apparently, plus, he
said there is a guy who works at Avid who's in the SW building
about 3 days every week, so he said he'd sit down today over lunch
with the guy and discuss my situation, and see what could be done.
In Mr. Geissler's defense, I think he's doing an absolutely
fabulous job at taking ownership of this case to the best of his

----- Original Message -----
*From:*Vincenzo Rubano <mailto:vincenzorub...@email.it>
*To:*ptaccess@googlegroups.com <mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
*Sent:*Tuesday, June 05, 2012 9:53 AM
*Subject:*Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken

Hi all,

ok, this is just an idea, maybe we should consider all
advices/opinions/ideas before start this important petition…

I would be really interested in Slau's opinion, because we can
consider him as the most experienced person in having
relationships with Avid; I read his opinion about
accessibility development in pt some weeks ago and I agreed
enough…But what about this new situation?

If things are really as they seems to be (I trust everyone,
but I think I am the least-experienced pt user and I cannot
give good advices about this problem) this is really a
nightmare for every blind protools user…

On the other hand, however, I have to say that 2 or 3 days ago
Chuck talked about some midi-features that he uses with
protools…So is this a new pt-feature became accessible in PT
10? Or what else? Or did I misunderstand everything?

Let's consider much more ideas first, after that we could
decide how to create the petition (I already have an idea! ;)).

This is just my advice, I hope it was clear and understandable
and, most of all, I hope this message isn't offensive to
anyone; if it is I hope you can excuse me…My English isn't so
good and sometimes I am not able to say what I really would
like to!


Il giorno 05/giu/2012, alle ore 15:07, Christopher-Mark
Gilland ha scritto:

How do we even make an online patition? I'd not know where to

----- Original Message -----
*From:*CHUCK REICHEL <mailto:soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com>
*Sent:*Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:40 AM
*Subject:*Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is
broken badly!

I'll sign it! :)
The squeaky wheel gets the grease! ;)
BTW I'm on PT version 9.3 with Snow leopard and staying
there until the smoke clears!

In GOD I Trust

On Jun 5, 2012, at 7:44 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

I totally agree! Slau? What is your advice seeing you
are working very heavily, apparently with them on
accessibility issues. Oh, and thank you for that by the
way. NO seriously, I'm not being sarcastic, I really
genuinely mean it.

I'd be happy to start the petition, but where then do I
take it when we get enough sigs?

BTW, would you also believe I can't even go back to mp9.
I forfitted my M-Powered 9 ilok license when I got pt
10. Avid refuse to help when I called them. All they
gave me was get another ILok, and get another mp9
license which we can sell you.

I wanted to say every word in the english book to them
at that point plus spit in their face! How dare! they
say that to me, after all the effort I put forth to get
PT in the first place. I don't think my church would be
very happy at all seeing they're the ones who paid for
both my macbook, and my ProTools to start with, if they
found out about this. If anyone has mp 9.05 and isn't
using it, and is willing to transfer their asset, as
they've upgraded, may I add, with another iloc so as not
to lose the 9.0 asset, let me know. I may wind up having
no choice.

I'm warning you all now: 10.0 still works to a point,
although there are some noticeable problems. Not many,
but just enough for me to be deal breakers. Speaking a
which, no one ever told me that PT 10.2 took more ram
than mp9. Seeing I only got 2GB, and cannot afford to
upgrade? I barely could afford the 3 easy payments
through Sweet Water to Crossgrade to PT 10, let alone, that.

I just hope my agent there can think of something to do
in order to compensate for my loss, as I'm one angry!
son of a gun right about now!


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