On 21 May 2007, at 19:50, Chris Mungall wrote:

On May 20, 2007, at 11:49 PM, Alan Rector wrote:


On 18 May 2007, at 18:10, Chris Mungall wrote:

I'm afraid I'm unclear how to state the OWL n-ary relation pattern(http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-n-aryRelations) where I really need it. In all the examples given, the "lifted"[*] n-ary relation was never truly a relation in the first place and always better modeled as a class. It's kind of cheating. What if my n-ary relation is transitive or if the 3rd argument is a temporal interval over which the relation holds?

I think the former is doable with property role chains. Updating the n-ary relations note with this - and all the other omitted details, such as how to re-represent domain/range, functional properties, n-ary relations in restrictions etc - would take a lot of work and would make it utterly terrifying to the naive user.

Nevertheless the results are clunky and will need special tool support[**] to avoid going insane.

I'd love to see DLR or similar means worked into future versions of OWL or other standards, although I am not the one to comment on the logical/complexity issues. I certainly agree that re-expresssing relations as properties carries a modest penalty by being more verbose, but it is manageable.

To take the example in question for some relation R, let's take temperature as an example. I shall use the subrelations "has_feature" / "has_state" to minimise arguments over what is, and is not a "quality" - an issue not germane to this discussion. Also I will use "has_state" as the property name so we don't have both a property "has_value" and a keyword VALUE.

In the binary relation form in manchester simplfied syntax in OWL 1.0 we have:

Organism has_feature SOME (Temperature_Feature THAT
        has_temporal_extent VALUE temporal_extent_1 AND
has_state SOME (has_magnitude VALUE 37 AND has_units VALUE degrees_C))

where temporal_extent_1 is an individual which has facts
        has_start_time VALUE n AND has_end_time VALUE m.
has_magnitude is a functional datatype property and has_units is a functional property.

For the record, I accidentally left this ambiguous as to whether it was

"Organisms that a temperature of 37C during temopral extent 1"

        Organism THAT has_feature. SOME (...

or the claim, better as

"This class of organism has the temperature feature during  temporal extent 1"

        "ThisOrganismClass --> has_feature SOME (...

Should be

Here Temperature_Feature is a "history" (sensu Hayes) or a time-slice. Do I have this correct?

Deliberately left ambiguous to limit the number of cardinaltiy constraints to explain. It depends on the cardinality of is_feature_of. I had not put a max 1 cardinality constraint on it, implying that there can be many features, but any feature at any time. For most purposes the inferences are the same. However, to expand the example.

If you want features to be 4-D objects

Just for the record, that IS the 'histories' view. That is, 'histories' was the name I used for 4-d objects.

that have values at a time,

However, 4-d objects don't have values *at a time*, since they have time built into them. They are objects-at-a-time, and they simply have values. If they weren't objects-at-a-time, they wouldn't be 4-d.

Let's go back to basics.

What is the statement in plane English? I presume:
"A protein that is located in some cytoplasm during some temporal extent"

What inferences do you want to draw about the Protein? the Cytoplasm?

As usual with a robust call to plain old English, it is no longer clear what we are talking about. What ARE these entities? Continuants? Occurrents? Do they extend through time? Do they have temporal parts? Do they have spatial parts?

the History of each?

In the 4-d view, these things (in fact, everything that exists in space-time) IS a history. Histories do not 'have' histories. (The idea of a thing having a history, and the two of them being inherently distinct, is a hallmark of the continuants notion, where continuants aren't allowed to have temporal parts. Unfortunately, this continuant/occurrent distinction has been welded into BOF and DOLCE and so has become very influential.)

What inferences do you wish to make that you cannot make from the simpler representations? What else do you need to say that can be expressed with Histories that cannot be expressed in the simpler representation?

Seems to me that histories is a simpler representation. It treats all spatiotemporal entities uniformly, and does not require maintaining a distinction between continuant things and occurrent lifetimes-of-things, for example. All it amounts to in practice is to be rigorous about the idea that (expressed in terms familiar to occurrent/continuant philosophy) everything is an occurrent, so everything has temporal parts. Even continuants are occurrents :-) Temporal parts can then be simply related to one another without being concerned with where to put the temporal parameters, etc.. So in this example, the relation between the protein-during-extent and the cytoplasm-during-extent (both temporal parts of protein and cytoplasm, respectively) is simply located-in, with no temporal qualification at all. Since all part-of relations, temporal or spatial, are binary, this fits very well into the OWL world of binary properties. One way to do it for example is to treat a time-interval as a property on things whose value is the relevant temporal part of that thing. Of course, this isn't how we speak in English, which is no doubt why many people find it confusing at first; but one can treat this simply as a matter of translation of surface form. To say that (say) A is inside B during interval I, is a compact way of saying A-I is inside B-I; or using the convention suggested above, that the I-value of A is inside the I-value of B. Humans prefer the more compact representation, which is fine. But what best fits the human left temporal lobe is not necessarily best for machines to reason with. And in any case, as I myself can attest, it does not take long to get used to the 4-d way of thinking. Assuming of course that I am human.


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