One place to start would be:
google: cyc temporal subabstractions

On May 29, 2007, at 4:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Could you please point us to some literature about the 'histories' view? I remember that Alan Rector asked how my proposal of AFO would relate to 'histories', and I could not find any specific literature about that kind of ontological representation. Probably I searched in the wrong places.

One place to start would be:

google: cyc temporal subabstractions

One of the CYC reports cites Patrick's work as related, specifically chapter 3 of Formal Theories of the Commonsense World, which you can read a snippet of at. To find out specifically about histories, do search within this book... +the+Common+Sense +World&pg=PA1&ots=aYYEVIzUUR&sig=NAgevB43tre5mzCZeSRfh6m_7a4&prev=http:/ / 2BTheories%2Bof%2Bthe%2BCommon%2BSense%2BWorld%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe% 3DUTF-8&sa=X&oi=print&ct=result&cd=1#PPA71,M1

I haven't been able to find Pat's "Naive Physics" papers on line, but certainly googling them comes up with a bunch of interesting stuff :)


I am somewhat confused about why we need to introduce the term 'history', and as it seems, others have been confused too. I would rather prefer to just call these entities 'things at a certain timespan'. Histories, in the common understanding, cannot have properties like 'temperature' -- only the entities themselves can have these properties.

Matthias Samwald

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