Mark Baker wrote:
On 12/14/07, Jonas Sicking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually, once we're supporting cross site GET requests, I think we
there should definitely mention that the entity body of GET (and
probably HEAD) requests are dropped. Otherwise there is some risk that
there are servers out there that will do dangerous things when receiving
GET requests with an entity body, such as treat it as a POST.

Nah.  And if a server does that, whomever installed it only has
themselves to blame.

This seems like just one more argument for explicitly stating that the
entity body for GET should be dropped at an XHR level.

No.  Look, if you don't want to have to take on the extra work of
fully supporting HTTP (for what is, admittedly, currently a fringe
case), fine, don't.  Just please don't ask that we tell those who are
willing to do so, that they can't.

Given that none of the current browsers support this today, I'm not sure who we would help by saying that this is non-conformant behavior.

/ Jonas

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